As far back as prehistoric times, gifts were given to perpetuate relationships. People gave each other teeth and stones that could be used to make jewelry. To radiate success, but also to show affection. In the time of the Egyptians, gifts were given in the grave to accompany the transition to the afterlife. From the Middle Ages on, gifts were mainly used to obtain favors from each other or as proof of loyalty. As far as we know, the very first promotional product was issued in 1789. Namely, it was an election button! This was handed out as a thank you to American citizens who had voted for George Washington. However, founder of the promotional product was a printer from Ohio. Due to the recession, he had little to do. So he offered to print bags with his logo for a local shoe store. His sales increased to such an extent that not much later other retailers followed suit! It was not until the 1960s that articles with a logo were printed and given away in Europe. These were mainly stationery and office supplies. After all, everyone uses these! Did you know that, even today, stationery is still the number one most frequently used product media? Just look in your bag: the odds are about 99% that it contains a printed pen! Useful for use is therefore the main reason recipients keep a promotional product. A collapsible bag, a power bank or a beach towel.