BeGlobal offers the 'BeGlobal Brandstore concept'. The beauty of the brand store is that it is one platform for all your promotional products and gifts, all in your own corporate style. Basically your internal web shop. No more loose receipts for a bunch of flowers for a colleague or a sick colleague. All purchases are combined on the automatic monthly invoice. You will also receive accurate reports and overviews of the budget levels. In the coming editions of our Building Brands newsletter, we will tell you everything you want to know about the BeGlobal Brandstore.

In short, the BeGlobal Brand and Giftstore guarantees the appearance of your brand or company (brand compliance). With CollectDeal you also have a clear overview of your expenses and you can buy cheaper together. Your stock is in good hands with our never out of stock system.

Complicated? No way. BeGlobal takes care of you, builds and maintains your Brandstore. In the coming newsletters we will tell you more about the advantages of joint purchasing, administrative processing, inventory management, and so on. Are you curious and want to know more right away? Then contact us at To familiarize you with the possibilities, we can create a demo environment for you so that you have a good experience of what the BeGlobal Brandstore can mean for your organization.