With product media, the use of bags, caps and pens, for example, provided with your company logo, contributes to increasing brand awareness. There are many ways to use product media for your brand. For example, have you ever thought about using product media for winning promotions? If you use a winning promotion well, you will attract new customers and increase customer loyalty. Two birds with one stone.
Of course, there is an extensive choice of product media. Therefore, prior to your win, it is a good idea to answer the following questions for yourself, among others:

What is your goal (more awareness for your brand, more awareness for a product group, more reach on social media, etc.) How many people do you want to reach? How many people do you want to win? What achievement should the participants make? How exclusive should the prize be? Should the prize be in line with your core business or will you go for a prize that is usable, but clearly marked with your logo? What is the duration of your promotion? How will you determine the winner?
Based on the answers above, you can start thinking about the channels to use, your communication and the price.

Provide balance
Often in win campaigns, much attention is given to the deliverables and, on the contrary, too little attention is given to the prize to be won. Conversely, it also often happens that the prize is pushed while it is not clear what the quid pro quo should be. You also sometimes see terms like 'festive win action'or 'fun prizes' pass by, where it is not clear what the reason behind the festive touch is or what these fun prizes then are.

Make sure all of this is balanced. Make it clear what the participant can gain, but also what is expected of your participant. Transparency is key. If you have a celebratory reason, give attention to this as well. This increases engagement.

Thinking along
We are well aware that the range of product media is so vast, that it is sometimes difficult to choose which product fits well with your win campaign, or to determine at all in which direction to look. That's why we are happy to work with you to see which product best suits your needs. Click here for our contact form.